Workplace Investigations
When an employee complains of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or other potential violations of law, employers typically need to conduct investigations to evaluate the veracity of the complaint. Our experienced attorneys can run swift, neutral, and discrete onsite or phone-based investigations related to sensitive employee complaints. We can also provide advice and guidance behind the scenes when employers desire to have an investigation run by an in-house manager or human resources professional. Conducting a thorough investigation into complaints allows an employer to prove that it reacted properly to a complaint and, to the extent warranted, took appropriate remedial measures to ensure that any problems do not re-occur.
Our attorneys can assist with or directly conduct independent investigations into alleged workplace misconduct. We can also provide training to managers and human resources officials concerning best practices in running workplace investigations. Our attorneys have extensive experience in labor and employment law and can quickly assess potential legal vulnerabilities, as well as promising solutions to resolve employee concerns. Likewise, if disputes do arise, our attorneys work closely with employers to proactively formulate a strong defense to any lawsuits.
Wise, Effective, and Efficient
If you need legal assistance in conducting a workplace investigation, don’t hesitate to contact the experienced attorneys at the Law Offices of Wyatt & Associates. Our firm routinely assists employers of all sizes in conducting thorough and impartial investigations into workplace complaints. When necessary, our attorneys can help mobilize a strong legal defense before any claim is filed. Calling upon our significant industry experience, we can help employers protect their interests in the modern workforce.