Workplace Trainings

Often an employer’s best defense is to take adequate preventative steps before problems arise. Proper training can help ensure that an organization, its executives, and its supervisors are in compliance with applicable laws and understand the proper way to respond to and address complaints. Workplace training is also an important way for an employer to convey to its employees the values of the organization and to help employees develop important skills.

Our firm has utilized its significant industry experience to design trainings that assist managers, employees, and human resources professionals in understanding how to fulfill legal compliance obligations and utilize best practices when dealing with employees.

Our trainings cover a wide variety of labor and employment law topics and can be cost effectively customized to the needs of your organization.

Most Common Employer Trainings:

  • Preventing Discrimination & Harassment in the Workplace: What Employers Need to Know about Legal Obligations and Strategies
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act Explained: Evaluating Accommodation Requests and Managing Interactive Dialogues with Disabled Employees
  • Investigations 101: How to Appropriately Respond to Employee Complaints
  • Privacy in the Employment Context: When Does an Employer Cross a Line?
  • Legal Pitfalls in the Hiring Process: Background Checks, Interview Questions, and On-Boarding Paperwork
  • Can I Pay this Employee a Salary? How to Assess Whether Employees are Exempt from Overtime and Assemble Evidence that they are Exempt.
  • Remaining Union Free: Mechanisms for Gauging Employee Satisfaction and Responding to Union Organizing
  • The Evolving Workplace: Recent Developments in Labor & Employment Laws

Additional Trainings Offered:

Arbitration and Litigation

  • Managing Employment Lawsuits to Minimize Costs and Maximize Success
  • Arbitration & Class Action Waiver Agreements: Should All Your Employees Sign Them?
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution: Factors When Considering Mediation and Arbitration
  • Avoiding Employment Litigation Landmines: Employee Management Strategies to Minimize the Risk of Litigation
  • Tips for Employers when Managing Relationships with Outside Lawyers: Understanding your Rights, Responsibilities, and Standard Industry Practices

Hiring, Firing, and Paying Employees

  • What Time is Compensable for Hourly Employees?: Considerations Related to Work from Home & the Road, Travel & Dressing Time During the Day, and Meal & Rest Breaks
  • Handling Problematic Employees: Performance Management, Documentation, and Progressive Discipline
  • Navigating the Difference Between Employees and Consultants/Contractors
    How to Appropriately Fire Employees: Required Paperwork, Communication Strategies, and Securing a Release of Legal Claims
  • Managing Layoffs, Closures, and Reductions in Force: Legal & HR Considerations When Letting Go of Groups of Employees
  • Can I Hire an Employee Subject to a Restrictive Covenants with a Past Employer?: How to Avoid Being Sued Based on the Violation of a Non-Competition or Non-Solicitation Obligation
  • Protecting Confidential Information and Customer Goodwill through Non-Competition Agreements with Employees
  • Employee Handbooks: Important Policies, Legal Obligations, and Recent Compliance Developments

Protected Leaves, Retaliation, and Discrimination

  • Creating a Harassment-Free Workplace
  • How to Appropriately Respond to Employee Complaints and Avoid Whistleblower and Retaliation Lawsuits
  • The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Explained: Protected Leaves and Job Guarantees
  • Managing Intermittent Leave Requests under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Implementing Strategies to Prevent Fraud & Abuse
  • Defending against Administrative Discrimination Charges Brought by Employees: How to Navigate the Procedures of the Federal EEOC and Equivalent State Agencies

Employee Privacy and Record Retention

  • Employee Data Protection Obligations of Employers
  • Employee Personnel Files: What Goes in Them, What Stays Out of Them, and When You Need to Share Them with Employees


  • Preparing for Negotiations with Labor Unions: Strategies for Maximizing the Odds of Positive Outcomes
  • Managing the Grievance & Arbitration Process in a Unionized Workplace


  • The 10 Most Important Compliance Obligations for New Hampshire
  • Due Diligence Strategies: Evaluating Employment Risks in the Context of Mergers and Acquisitions

Wise, Effective, and Efficient

If your organization and its employees would benefit from comprehensive workplace trainings, do not hesitate to contact the experienced attorneys at the Law Offices of Wyatt & Associates. Our firm routinely works with employers of all sizes to provide trainings on a variety of labor and employment law topics. Calling upon our significant industry experience, we help employers navigate the complexities of the modern workplace.